
Daddy got up early with Noah this morning. She is like our own rooster, sensing the rising of the sun, eagerly anticipating another day of play. While I got a few more minutes of rest, they started making a batch of pancakes. By the time I got to the kitchen - about 45 minutes later - Daddy had already had his fill of time with a toddler.

She was dumping salt into the pancake batter - and some for the counter top as well - as I told them both good morning. Daddy hastily put her down, and she scooted right over to a bar stool and perched herself on the counter. There she preceded to make a puddle of maple syrup and commence to finger painting. Daddy paused from cleaning up the salt to take her to the shower, while he informed me of what she had accomplished before I made it to the kitchen. She had (pretended to) call Grandma half a dozen times, ride her stick horse around the kitchen table, and empty the tin of cookie cutters on to the kitchen floor. It wasn't even 7:00 am yet!

I know by this point you're thinking we have lost control of this (monster) toddler.

Well, you're right.

Just to make you feel even better - here's a few more things she accomplished today.

- She tossed her mudboots and climbed into a barrel sized planter full of dirt barefoot in the 40 degree weather.

- She ascended the bathroom counter top to eat toothpaste.

- She threw a tootsie roll half way across the kitchen. (She's got an arm!)

- She tried to feed the baby his bottle by poking it in his eye.

- And she perfectly executed use of the word "dammit" when she spilled some water on the kitchen floor.

Don't you feel better now?


Anonymous said…
Sarah - oh my goodness I am so glad I checked out your blog - we have also master the word dammit when a toy falls on the floor or does not work correctly! - thanks for sharing!!

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